Monday, December 15, 2008


Maybe you've heard that our nation is officially in a recession -- or a "reception" as my little sister accidentally called it. I'm with her --I'd prefer cocktail weenies to foreclosures any day!

We've had our financial belts tightened in our household for a few years now, and are constantly analyzing our wants versus needs. But let's face it: Financial stress STINKS. It seems that especially at the Christmas season, we are bombarded with an endless wish list.

It's easy to fall into the pattern of focusing on what we don't have, instead of being grateful and recognizing all that we DO. I'm convinced that we take so, so very much for granted. All of us.

I was reminded of a great perspective at my friend Christi's blog. It relates to a dear church friend who has gone through unimaginable, heart-breaking circumstances and still praises the Lord. Someone who had every single thing stripped from her at a moment's notice. Who spent endless months captive in a jungle. Who said the hardest thing about that whole situation was coming face to face with who she really was.

I truly hope you'll take a look at Christi's page, listen to the song and follow along with the printed lyrics. And I pray it will minister to your heart today.

1 comment:

Christi said...

I love you big sis...thanks for the link to me:)